Friday, January 30, 2009

Effective Internet Article Marketing

Internet Article Marketing remains the most reliable method of generating revenue for online marketers who cannot afford a heavy investment. Among all article directories, Ezine is one of the best article directories in the Internet today. What's more Google loves it and you can have your article ranked highly for low competition keywords within a very short time period. The problem is that often the article eventually loses its top ranking in Google and eventually dies a slow death. Frustrating indeed,Note how you can cleverly use the keyword- Dog Obedience Training two times and yet keep it relevant to the context. . Squidoo Love: Post a squidoo lens on the same topic and link your Ezine Articles to your Squidoo lens. start searching for blogs relevant to your niche and post comments with your article link as a signature. 5.Outsourcing: If you have money to spare, you can outsource these tasks for a relatively low cost. Amazon Mechanical Turks is a great place for you to have these kind of tasks done at the cheapest price. Remember at the end of the day, Internet Article Marketing is not that difficult. Many have been successful in Internet Article Marketing and you can too. Writing quality content is key. So take some time to research the commonly faced problems by the consumers of your niche and draft an article answering all their needs. Eventually you will find that by writing top quality content, your article will be referenced frequently, posted in blogs and forums more often and will be picked up instantly by people. Google ranks Squidoo lenses very highly and if you put out a quality lens you are assured of steady traffic to your Ezine articles. Moreover squidoo also allows you to update content regularly, so all the more reason for you to love Squidoo. because for all the effort that you put in to write an article with the hope of driving some traffic to your website, you are met with cut throat competition that make their stamp all over Google. In this article, I will provide you with killer tips on how to increase the longevity of your Ezine articles.


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