Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Of course, once one becomes a bona fide entrepreneur, they learn to use 'leverage' and not only become an 'entrepreneur,' they become a very successful 'business people' as well. An Internet business is extremely seductive because of the low cost of entry into the marketplace. It is definitely one of the best businesses to be in, but without a concrete and solid business to identify your model and the costs associated with starting and operating the business, complete with a financial plan to outsource the work that you don't know how to do or don't have time to do. By leveraging time, money and people, successful entrepreneurs can reach their goals faster and with far more efficiency than if they tried to do everything themselves. Outsourcing has always been cheaper than hiring in-house staff, but for an Internet business, which by it's very nature produces a 'small world,' outsourcing has never been cheaper. To really understand the benefits of outsourcing, let's take a look at some characteristics of an entrepreneur. They are often very outgoing people. They have ideas. They have vision. And they are often 'brilliant' marketers. These are their positive attributes.